Why Choose a Gas Fireplace?
There are countless good reasons to select a gas fireplace for your home, from heat production to creating a focal point in a room. And new units are easier to install than ever.
Convenience is a big factor. If you have less and less time to deal with stocking your wood-burning fireplace, gas could be the answer for you. There's nothing easier than flipping a switch and using the remote control.
The realism of gas fireplaces is another reason. Many gas fireplaces look no different than a wood-burning one, and this aesthetic reason is a powerful draw.
Efficiency is the other big reason to choose a gas fireplace. No matter how much radiant heat you would feel from a conventional fireplace, you still have a huge straw (the chimney) sticking out of your home that draws out the other air in the home that has "already" been heated by the furnace or whatever heating system you have.
Easy installation is another great reason a gas fireplace is a good choice. The unit weighs approximately 100 pounds and it can be set on any floor. And the direct vent goes out through the wall -- not straight up like with a chimney.
A gas fireplace can also have a heat-zone system that delivers heat from the fireplace into the adjoining room via the only floor supply register in the house, which is positioned under a window. So one fireplace (gas) is heating two rooms at one time.
A direct vent fireplace pulls all the air for combustion from outside the house and takes all the bi-products from combustion and removes them from the house via a vent, which means your indoor air quality is maintained.